Thursday 8 March 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Moé [Winter 2012 Anime Review]

Ahh... another day of messed up sleeping patterns.


It doesn't affect my anime watching! ( ゚▽゚)b So it's alright~

Lately, I've been trying hard to catch up with this season's anime.
Let me tell you, it aint easy. (-д-;) Once you're behind, ゲーム オーバー [game over].
Moreover, it's increasingly difficult to find time to watch when you're working..
N-Not that I'm complaining or anything! /tsunshot/ 

$Money$ = Figures, games, and Idol worshipping items. d(*⌒▽⌒*)b
Oh... and bills.. rent... food... ( ̄へ ̄;;)tch


Winter 2012 Season Review:I know it's early, but I wanted to cover what I liked about this season, and I'll update it again at the end if i need to. I am pretty sure that since I'm already this deep into the season that my thoughts won't change, but we'll just have to see at the end, now wont we? (*・∀~)-☆

Also note, this will reflect MY opinion on things, if you don't like my views on things, then don't read- simple as that (・∀・*)b

++++++☆ BEYOND THIS POINT THERE WILL [probably??]

First off.. The Good Stuff!

Favourite Anime Overall (Beginning this season): Inu x Boku SS

Soushi Miketsukami; Ririchiyo-sama's Secret Service bishie foxboy

I dunno what It is about this anime... Maybe it's the cute little tsunshun Ririchiyo-sama [nosebleed]. I can't really say for sure. I just really like this anime. It has so many elements to it that makes it enjoyable.
I think the biggest thing about this one however, is that I am actually interested in the male characters. I am very picky when it comes to male characters [I just like female more~♪] but I actually enjoy seeing all the males in this series [Soushi/Zange/Renshou.. I really can't decide who I キャキャッキャ[squee] over more].

Favourite Anime Overall (Continued from last season): Bakuman 2

Main character Mashiro

Really, It's hard for me to dislike this anime. I watched the first season and absolutely loved it.. the drama, the romance, the comedy. Nothing seems overdone to me.

Though I really dislike their damn cliffhangers!  Σ(゚Д゚|||) The suspense kills me everytime!!

Runner-Up Favourite Anime: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

  Main characters [from left to right]: Tadakuni, Yoshitake, Hidenori

Honestly, Slice of Life is my absolute favourite genre. This anime definitely fits the bill for this genre. Random encounters, sidesplitting humor, and even some touching scenes, complete with no plot whatsoever.
It's kinda like Lucky ☆ Star and Nichijou had accidental sexy-taimu and made baby.

Favourite OP: Rinne no Lagrange

You're probably wondering why I didn't chose Momoclo's OP for Mouretsu Pirates being the wota that I am....
Well that's because I didn't want be biased and put it up there just because I'm an idol-maniac [Though really, I would tie it if I wanted to.. but I'm lazy~]

I can't really explain how I feel when I listen and watch this opening. It's the only OP this season that I want to watch fully every episode. The artwork is colourful and astral, showing each characters foreshadowed personalities. It helps that the song itself tailors perfectly to this series.
I like it so much, it's playing on repeat as I type this ( ´∀`) ufufu~♪

Favourite ED: Inu x Boku SS

Really now, what is better than a moe-moe-kyun Karuta singing about Watanuki and food?

Favourite Female Character: Ririchiyo Shirakiin [Inu x Boku SS]

 ♥ Tsunshun Queen; Ririchiyo-sama ♥
If they ever release figures/nenderoids of her, you bet your ass I'll be buying them! Ririchiyo-sama is my favourite... because really how can you say no to this girl!? Her fickle, queen-like demeanor makes me nosebleed rainbows. Can we say Kimagure Princess!? [we all knew sooner or later I was gonna combine my Momusu-love with my Anime-love uhehehe /nosebleedshot/ (*≧ ┓≦)]

Runner-Up Female Character: Fin E Ld Si "Lan" Laffinty  [Rinne no Lagrange]

  Blushing Lan  ( " ゚ ┓ ゚ ")

Only one word can really describe this stoic cutie: "Wan~"

Favourite Male Character: Atsushi Miyagawa [Recorder to Randoseru]

Ay baybay~ how you doin'?

Hah! Bet you thought I was gonna say one of the InuBoku guys weren't you!! I sure fooled you! Ahahaha........ well one of my runner-up guys is from InuBoku... sorry ( ̄~ ̄;)
-Ahem- Anyway, this little [big?] guy is definitely my top favourite character. Now from a glance, you'd view him as a mature older brother, right?
Hah~ Forget about it! Atsushi a rambunctious 11 year old little brother [!?!?] of Atsumi. He seems to have the worst luck with the adults around him, but surprisingly very popular among his female classmates~

Runner-Up Male Character: Renshou Sorinozuka [Inu x Boku SS]

ohai there ( ゚▽゚)

Ok so I know I said earlier that I couldn't decide which male I liked from Inu x Boku SS, but I lied.. Sorry again~ (。_。;)
This character here, now he's an interesting one. He is an ittan-momen youkai, and a super handsome one at that! That way he speaks in a uninterested sarcastic tone, with that cool voice of his.. and that calm and collected attitude of his...
Huhuhuhuhu~ (♡_♡)

And now.... for the bottom of the list.. The Bad!

Most Disliked Anime Overall (Beginning this season): Brave 10 

 Blood-stained Isanami

I was anticipating this anime. I really was! It looked like it would be really good from the preview; full of action and battles and what have you... but I was disappointed.
I guess It's mostly because I can't for the love of kamisama get into the story! It's execution just can't get me to like it as much as I want to.
Another thing that bothers me is the pace of the show. I believe that this series would have been much better if it wasn't crammed into a 12 episode show.
Oh well, at least there is a cute blue-haired miko in it.
Least Favourite OP: Kill Me Baby
Does the opening fit with the anime: Yes, perfectly.
Would I listen to it repeatedly: Hell no.

Least Favourite ED:
Brave 10


Here I go bashing Brave 10 again.. but really, this ED doesn't fit with the anime at all...
Autotune? Really? For this kind of genre? I shake my head in disappointment.

Least Favourite Female Character: Hibiki Tachibana [Senki Zesshou Symphogear]

Hibiki's reaction to me disliking her [笑/lol]

Her try-hard, happy-go-lucky attitude is pretty standard for a main female, so I'm not complaining about that per se... and her dark side is pretty badass... but there is just something about her that annoys the hell out of me. Not only that, but I really do not like her singing voice...

Runner-Up Least Favourite Female Character:  Yuno Gasai [Mirai Nikki]

Oh God this girl... Maybe it's because I'm yandere [see: obsessive-compulsive] myself that makes me pissed off when I see this chick... or it's the fact that she keeps saying "Yukkiiiii~~" every 5 freaking seconds. 
I'd definitely say it's the latter. Yukki~ Yukkiiii~ Yuuuukkiii~~ ಠ_ಠ
Least Favourite Male Character: Yukiteru Amano [Mirai Nikki]


This guy is the biggest pussy I've ever been introduced to in all of my history of watching anime. I mean, I understand he has a psycho yandere girlfriend, but he changes his opinions on stuff all the damn time without following through with his crybaby self. Pitiful.... BE A MAN.

Runner-Up Least Favourite Male Character: Souichi Aida [Bakuman 2]

 Photo courtesy of MyAnimeList, because I was too lazy to print screen one.

I don't necessarily hate this guy... but he's been quite the scumbag this season. I don't pity him for having to quit manga, he deserved it for what he did to Yuriko...


And there you have it! My review for the Winter 2012 anime season!

... Well I don't have anything else to say now... so here's a cute picture of Poyo-nyan~

♡ Bye-Q~ ♡

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