Saturday 17 March 2012

Mariko's first anime review dechu~♪ Orochuban Ebichu

I've decided to write my very first review on 「おるちゅばん エビちゅ/Oruchuban Ebichu/Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster」 because

1. It's short [roughly 8 minutes per episode]

( ´∀`)

2. My writing skills still aren't too great, so a simpler anime will help me for my first article.

はじまるよ~「Let's get started!」


++++++☆THIS POST IS NSFW☆++++++

STORY:If I knew it was this lewd before I watched it... I would have avoided writing this i think... (=u=;;) ah well... too late now..

Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster

[Ebichu the hamster seems like the perfect house pet: she cleans, shops, cooks, does laundry, and anything to please her master, known only as "Office Lady" (OL). Unfortunately, OL and her unfaithful boyfriend, combined with Ebichu's uncontrollable exuberance and love for ice cream, often earn her severe and bloody punishment. However, Ebichu doesn't seem to mind the abuse if she achieves her goal of making her beloved master a little bit happier.]

This anime is rated R+ for nudity and sexual content.
In other words, lots and lots of boobs and sex.



A cute, talking female hamster (dechu~!) who lives in an apartment with her master. She is very loyal, and does everything she can to please her master. However, when she gets into mischief (which she does often) her master punishes her by punching her into the wall or kicking her into the ground. Ebichu is very honest and frank about things. She's often called nezumi (rat) by Kaishounashi and her Master, Ebi-chan by Maa-kun, and Ms. Hamster by the Landlady.

She also has an alias, and goes by the alternative name of.. Ebichuman. She changes gender and goes around trying to help people with their -ahem- sexual incompetence.

She's good at Mah-Jong, composes poems often.Her favourite foods are: cheese (Camembert, not processed!) ice cream, fish crepe, and syrup packets from restaurants.

Her first appearance is on Episode 1.

Ebichu being unintentionally mischevious

Goshujinsama (aka, Master):

Ebichu's owner, whom she prefers to call Goshujinsama, or Master in english. Master is an OL who goes day-by-day trying to live a normal life... with a pestering little hamster and a good-for-nothing, ass-taco boyfriend.


Master is very violent with Ebichu, and abuses her often. But even so, deep down she seems to care a lot about her.

Her age is unknown, but it's hinted that she's older than 24 on episode 21.
Near the end of the show, she supposedly becomes an ero-model, to which Kaishounashi becomes incredibly upset about, but then they realize that it's not her.

Her first appearance is on episode 1.

Kaishounashi (aka, good-for-nothing boyfriend):
Master's ass-taco of a boyfriend. Seriously, this guy is a total moocher and only really sticks around with Master for teh secks.  Though honestly I get why, she has no waifu qualities..
He often buys cake when he has cheated on Master, and occasionally comes over drunk.
If you are the same as him, for shame. 

He has a younger sister named Emiko, a father, and an old dog named Pochi.

His first appearance is on episode 1.


Maa-kun is a friend of Kaishounashi who suddenly develops special "feelings" for Ebichu, to whom he likes to call her Ebi-chan.
In later episodes, he is shown with a massive boner whenever he thinks of Ebichu, and often thinks of her while having sex with his girlfriend. Maa-kun is quite the advocate for hamsters, getting upset when he sees them on sale at a pet shop or given out, or when they are being treated in a mean way.

His first appearance is on episode 3. 

Maa-kun's Girlfriend:

There is not much to say about her, just that she is Maa-kun's girlfriend and lives with him in an apartment.
Maa-kun asks her to wear a hamster furry suit in one episode, to which she assumes that he has been working too hard...
He often has wet dreams about Ebichu in later episodes.

Her first appearance is on episode 4.

Master's Friend: 

Though we don't know her name, she's one of master's good friends. Ebichu calls her "The girl that's always surrounded by flowers" (as she appears in the picture above).
On her debut episode, she comes to master's aide when she's sick and helps her get better.
She is the equivalent of a human Ebichu, only more polite.
She seems to show feelings for Kaishounashi in episode 14, but it could just be because they were all drunk as hell.

Her first appearance is on episode 7.

The Landlady:

A cute amicable old landlady who seems to care about Ebichu like any old lady would... and awkwardly listens to her talk about the good and bad of her Master.
She also doesn't consider Ebichu to be a pet, which seems to shock Ebichu in a negative way.

Her first appearance is on episode 10.

Newlywed Neighbors (The Kobayashi's):

They move into the apartment suite next to Ebichu and Master on episode 19. Master convinces herself that she is also happy, even when she is envious... though Ebichu seems to make it crappy compared to the newlywed couple.
I want to be like them someday...
Their first appearance is on episode 19

Character Verdict:

9/10 - I give the characters an almost perfect mark because... Even though Ebichu is the epitome of cute furry critters in an awkwardly perverse, naive sort of way...
Kashounashi is an ass-taco.

ANIMATION: 8/10 - It's simple. No special effects, no CGI, nothing of that sort. It has a retro anime feel to it (well.. it is from the late 90's) so I really enjoy it. The only issue I have, which is small mind  you, is that it is very similar to Crayon Shin-chan.. and that Ebichu is identical in looks to Hamutaro, which could be confused by small children!

9/10 - The sound is excellent. There isn't too much background noise/music, so it focuses mainly on the characters voices. The opening is "Nanda Ka Na" is super adorable, sung by Ebichu herself, and the ending which is "Kumo Kumo ga Kenikon Mata Keyafu" by Minami Karasuyama Choume Production has a good sound and nice atmosphere.

Did I mention that Ebichu's seiyuu is none other than Sailor Moon's Usagi!?
Extra points for childhood memories!!

9/10! I've said this a million times, and I'll say it again, I love this kind of genre. Not the perverse side (ok maybe a little.. lol) but rather that there is no plot. If there WAS a plot, it just wouldn't be as entertaining I think.
Though I suppose the gags really help with the anime too!

                       Ebichu mistaking "that" for her Master's Wisdom Tooth pain.
My favourite (and most random) episode in this entire anime is episode 14. (^-^)b

+ Cuteness Overload
+ Great overall sound for it's released time
+ Very similar to Crayon Shin-chan, only shorter (And much more explicit.... ufufu~)

- Not much character development, or storyline ( this can be a pro or con; depends on if you prefer plot lines/character development or not~)

- May become awkward in certain situations, unless of course, you are shameless with your dirty mind.. like me (=w=;; )
- DEFINITELY not for children or the light-hearted, even if It looks like it would be!! (I made that mistake early on...)
- The boyfriend is a total as


Well, that's it for my very first anime review! I wonder if it was any good~
At least I had fun writing it.. I suppose (^-^;; )

Stay tuned for more reviews, dechu!


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