Wednesday 30 May 2012

Spring 2012 Season Review

Overall, this season was the most anticipated one I have yet to experience, which isn't much, considering I've just began watching through seasons in 2010. 

This season has brought lots of excitement in the way of soundtrack, storyline, and of course, animation. I've added quite a few more categories this season than last season mainly because that was my very first review, therefore I didn't quite know what I wanted to write yet (^-^;;)

Also note, this will reflect MY opinion on things, if you don't like my views on things, then don't read- simple as that (・∀・*)b 


Well~ Now that I have that all put in place, time for the review!

Spring Anime Season 2012

Favourite Anime Overall: Eureka Seven AO

Being a sequel to the already popular Eureka Seven, I knew this was gonna be kickass, and it is! The action is great, the characters are likeable and the animation is gorgeous. I'd recommend this and the first season to anyone who is looking to get into anime and doesn't know what to watch first.

2nd Favourite Anime Overall:

As much as I hate to say this, seeing as how I have been anti-akb48 for years now, I actually.... like this anime. Maybe because their songs are catchy, maybe because they show the true determination and perserverance of an idol. Whatever the reason, this anime rocks my socks (literally, I'm starting to hum their songs and tap to the beat... damn!)

Favourite Anime Overall (continued from last season):
Mouretsu Pirates

This is the only anime I am currently watching from last season, but even still I would have chosen it! The storyline had gotten a bit dull at the end of last season but it's picked up a little this time making it a pretty rounded-out anime overall.

Runner-Up Favourite Anime Overall
Uchuu Kyoudai

What's there not to love? There's romance, drama, suspense, and even a cute little pug named Apo! You most certainly can't go wrong with this anime!

Eu! I loved last season, I love this season even more!! The plot is amazingly funny and Eu just gets cuter and cuter in every episode, even more so when she actually talks! -nosebleed- 

Favourite Comedy Overall Shirokuma Cafe
Shirokuma Cafe

Ok, so the puns are a bit overkill at some points, but this anime is slapstick hilarious. It's characters are likeable, especially Panda-kun!

Favourite Action Overall
Though I prefer meccha-action anime (see Aquarion Evol) I really didn't mind this! It's pretty much all action and no bullshit. Serious stuff but still fun to watch guns spraying bullets everywhere.

Favourite Romance Overall Aquarion Evol (Jin x Yunoha)

♡ (;A;) Suu Suu~

Favourite Fanservice Overall

Compare female "secret places" to parts of a gun. Pair it with the ero-faces of cute moe girls. With that combination you get this perfect fanservice anime this season.

Best Animation Hyouka

You can't really expect anything less from KyoAni. Great animation as always.

Best Soundtrack
Sakamichi no Apollon

Only two words can really describe this anime's soundtrack: Beautiful Jazz.

Best Storyline
Aquarion Evol
Aquarion Evol
This anime really pulls at my heartstrings. Yeah, it's overly dramatic, but what do you expect from the Sousei no Aquarion sequel? It also helps that there is kickass action and comedy to boot.

Favourite OP Hiiro no Kakera - Nee

This song is fantastic. The singer is talented and the song works so well with the anime.

Runner-Up Favourite OP
Shirokuma Cafe - Boku no Invitation

 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!! ぼくにインビテーション!

I just wanna fist pump and mosh around at a concert to this song so bad. OOOi Oi! Oi Oi Oi Oi!!

Runner-Up Favourite ED Aquarion Evol - Yunoha no Mori 
And again *ahem* ♡ (;A;) Suu Suu~
Also, I love Yui Ogura~

Favourite Female Character
Tomomi Itano (AKB0048)

Tomomi Itano

Tomochin! I like her in real life as a model.. and I like her more as an anime character! :3 Tooomooochiiiin~!

How can anyone dislike this face?!?

Favourite Male Character
The entire male cast of Hiiro no Kakera

Don't judge me! I love me some ikemen!

Runner-Up Favourite Male Character
Apo (Uchuu Kyoudai)

He's. SO. CUTE. (0u0)

Least Favourite Anime Overall
Ginga e Kickoff!!
Ginga e Kickoff!!
I love the plot, but I feel like another soccer anime is too much too soon when Area no Kishi aired just last season.

Least Favourite Anime
Shining Hearts: Shiawase no Pan

I love anime that involves baking or cooking, but this one fell flat. I can't really understand what is going on.. if there is even a plot. But maybe if I played the visual novel, it would be better.

I can't believe I am saying this (seeing as how it's sung by two Morning Musume graduates, Yossie & Charmy) but I just don't like it (._.;)

It just seemed kinda 'meh' to me..

Least Favourite Female Character
Mikoto Urabe

Just... she's cool and all but... the drool just puts me off so much (o_o;)

Least Favourite Male Character Mahiro Yasaka

Urgh this guy pisses me off.. I'd tap Nyarlko in a minute! (=_=;)nohomoshe'sjustcutejeezpeople.


Well that's it for the review (^-^) I hope y'all enjoyed it, and make sure you tune in soon for the release of next seasons previews!

♡ Bye-Q~ ♡


  1. So I was thinking of writing game reviews, and wanted to know if you wanted to co-write with me.
